Director Maher
Director Maher joined the Board of Directors of the Kearney Fire and Rescue Protection District in April, 2009. Shortly after becoming a Board member, he was appointed to the District’s labor management committee which is responsible for negotiating the District’s memorandum of understanding with the union local which represents the District’s fire fighting and emergency care personnel. Since January, 2010, Director Maher has served as Vice Chairman of the District’s Board of Directors.
Director Maher is a retired attorney who practiced in Gladstone and Kearney for more than 40 years before retiring in 2023. He and his wife Trish moved to the District in October, 2000 and they are active members of the Church of the Annunciation. In addition, Director Maher is active in the Knights of Columbus which operate the concessions at Kearney Amphitheatre and Jesse James Park events.
During his tenure on the Board, Director Maher is most proud of the improved relationship that has developed and grown between the District and its local bargaining unit. Both sides have recognized the competing interests of the District and its employees but still have been able to negotiate in good faith and in a professional manner. As a result of this cooperative relationship, the District and the local bargaining unit have successfully negotiated three successive three year memorandum of agreements which have eliminated the necessity of annual negotiating sessions which in the past have caused tension in the working conditions between the District and its employees.
Since Director Maher joined the Board, the District has increased the number of its employees, selected a new fire chief and added fire marshal and assistant chief positions to its management structure. In addition, the District passed a bond issue in 2010 that funded equipment replacements and structure improvements. In 2022, the District passed a levy increase to fund the District’s increased operating expenses.
Two of Director Maher’s continuing goals is to maintain and enhance: (i) the District’s ability to meet the fire safety and emergency care and transport needs of the District’s growing population, and (ii) the excellent quality, professionalism and level of competency of the District’s fire fighting and emergency care personnel.